Our Client is a manufacturer of household equipment including cookware and kitchen electrics. For example, our Client produces frying pans, oven dishes, pressure cookers, pots, deep fryers, induction cooktops, and others. The manufacturing process of their products implies a surface treatment process and several stages of rinsing at the end of production.
The washing baths must be supplied with demineralized water at a rate of 1 m3/h and in a conductivity range of 0.3 to 50 microsiemens. The washing tunnel in question generates wastewater at a rate of 300 L/h. With five washing tunnels operating in two 8-hour workstations, our Client generates up to 24,000L of wastewater daily. This washing water is mainly loaded with cleaning products, oils, greases, metal particles and abrasive dust.
Without a wastewater treatment station, washing water must be stored before being withdrawn for disposal by an external service provider, involving relatively high disposal and reprocessing costs. Our Client calls on the NISKAE team to determine a suitable physicochemical treatment solution for the treatment and discharge of their rinsing water, in accordance with the current regulations.